Cash2Keys: The Market Solution

The demand for homes is high. With fewer homes available compared to the number of buyers in the market, a competition between buyers is created. Most houses today are tough to hold onto and even tougher to afford if you play the bidding game. You deserve better. We can provide a solution.

At AnnieMac Home Mortgage, we want you to have a fair shot at owning a house your family will love. Shopping for the home of your dreams isn't easy. Competition is fierce in today's market, and chances are that your offer is being pitted against a dozen other buyers bidding way above market value. That's why we have created two innovative programs, designed to help both new home buyers and existing homeowners buy the homes of their dreams.


Secure Your New Home With Cash!

By offering a seller cash up front, our Cash Offer solution is the perfect way to send that offer to the top of any seller's list. This program will help even the odds for first time home buyers and those who are buying without a need to sell a home first!


Skip the Traditional Mortgage Process

CashBridge simplifies the home buying process by leveraging cash, ensuring a quicker and more streamlined transaction. Perfect for Downsizing: Whether you're downsizing for retirement or just need less space, CashBridge accommodates your unique needs without the burden of a mortgage.


Sell Your Old Home Later

Buy Now, Sell Later eliminates the need for current homeowners to sell before buying their new dream home. AnnieMac Private Equity buys the home so you can move right in while taking the time to comfortably sell your old one. Then, AnnieMac Private Equity sells that new home directly to you as soon as you are ready.

Buy Now, Sell Later is the same as a Cash Offer. The only difference is the selling of your home in addition.

Real Estate Agents

Find everything you need as Real Estate Agent to utilize our Cash2Keys platform including getting certified.


Do you want to learn more about how our Cash2Keys programs can help you with buying or selling a home! Look no further. Click the fancy green button below!


Find everything you need as Builder to utilize our Cash2Keys platform including getting certified.